Author: Addiction Healing Centre

Addiction Treatment Centre

Questions to Ask Before Choosing an Addiction Treatment Centre

It’s essential to know the questions to ask before choosing an addiction treatment centre. In fact, the first step to addiction recovery is knowing how to choose an addiction treatment centre. Getting treatment from the best available addiction treatment service in Vancouver will determine how

Addiction as a disease

How Long Does Professional Addiction Treatment Take?

More often than not, when a person realizes that they need professional help for their addiction, they ultimately ask one question, ‘How long is addiction treatment?’ This question has weighed on the mind of almost everyone who has realized that they need to go to

3 Effective Tips To Manage Addiction Withdrawal Symptoms

3 Effective Tips To Manage Addiction Withdrawal Symptoms

Withdrawal symptoms can be very challenging and painful to overcome. This is why there is a need for tips to help manage withdrawal symptoms. Quitting a habit suddenly or even slowly doesn’t come easy. This is because the body begins to crave a particular addiction

Relapse After Addiction Treatment

Can I Prevent a Relapse After Addiction Treatment?

One of the hardest milestones for addicts is to prevent addiction relapse. This statement is not to get you scared. Instead, it’s a fact. Remember, addiction happens because your brain gets so used to a particular habit. As a result, your brain seems to be

Heroin Addiction Withdrawal

How Long Does Heroin Addiction Withdrawal Take?

The feelings that come with heroin usage may last just five hours, but the withdrawal process takes time. Upon its discovery, medical practitioners prescribed heroin for several types of health challenges. However, it has since been abused. Today, many people abuse the substance to get

Addiction Treatment: The 5 Stages of Addiction

Addiction Treatment: The 5 Stages of Addiction

Addiction does not start once but in stages. All over the world, people have one form of addiction they are dealing with. While some may be at the early stages of addiction, others are already battling full-blown addiction. Although the stages are generally the same

Cocaine Addiction Treatment

How to Stay Sober after Cocaine Addiction Treatment

The question of how to stay sober after cocaine addiction treatment has many answers. We can liken the answer to a collection of pillars. These pillars are designed to hold up the house that is your sobriety from cocaine addiction. Just like a house, recovery

Myths about Addiction And Recovery

7 Myths about Addiction And Recovery

For anyone, emerging from an addiction is a struggle. There are several generalizations and myths about addiction recovery because it’s challenging. The thing about misconceptions about recovery is that they’re risky. Addicts often use them as excuses for bad habits. And, since they accept these

Alcohol Addiction Treatment

How Do I Know When I Need Alcohol Addiction Treatment?

The decision to clean up your act and fix your alcohol addiction problem is undoubtedly one of the best things you could do for yourself. It sets you on a path to better physical health and increased emotional as well as social wellness. Unfortunately, despite

Alcohol Abuse and Addiction

The Financial Cost of Alcohol Abuse and Addiction

Most people addicted to alcohol are often oblivious to the problems associated with excessive drinking. The cost of alcohol abuse to your finances and social wellbeing sometimes goes unnoticed until it is too late. Hence, if you consume alcohol a lot, you have to get