You’ll See the Colossal Effects of Substance Abuse Unfold

Substance abuse is one of the most pressing issues in today’s world that affects people in different age groups, economic status, and gender. It refers to the hazardous and improper use of both prescription and illegal drugs as they are being used for non-medical purposes. The abuse of these drugs and substances has to encompass effects on a person from physiological to the way that person acts, feels, and thinks through attacking the nervous system functions. Drug abuse leads to addiction and physical dependence and it has various signs and symptoms as well as different ways of prevention. 

Substance Abuse and Addiction Overview 

 The Canadian Center for Substance Abuse focuses their attention on key issues that touch problematic substance and drug abuse, highlighting the practices and policies for solutions. One of the highlights in their series of researches and studies is the detailed account of the effects of these illegal drugs to the person due to addiction and dependence.  


How does addiction manifest in a person? 

 A person that regularly uses alcohol or drugs regardless of its impacts and consequences is potentially grappling with addiction. The truth is that these addicted individuals are not even aware of their behavior and how it is becoming out of control and affecting them and other people. Addiction to a substance may also involve psychological dependence and not necessarily on the physical aspect.   


What is psychological dependence on substances? 

 An addicted person is psychologically dependent, a condition also referred to as the dependence of the mind. The individual finds it extremely difficult to stop using a substance or to even stop thinking about the substance they are addicted to. There is a sense of strong craving for that particular substance which could be internally or externally triggered.  


Short-Term and Long-Term Substance Abuse Leads To… 

 You or your loved one may be suffering from addiction and that has long-term and sometimes irreversible effects to the body, particularly the brain or nervous system. Substance abuse may temporarily or permanently affect the following:  

    • Behaviour 
  • Memory 
    • Cognitive Activity 
  • Making Decisions 


There are also factors that have a strong influence on a person’s tendency to fall for substance abuse and these may include the following: 

    • Weight, sex, and age 
    • Level and amount of drug consumption 
    • Mental or medical conditions 
  • Use of other substances such as over-the-counter medications, alcohol, illegal drugs, and prescription drugs 

Related article: The Impact of Workplace Substance Abuse | Employee Assistance Program

How to Prevent Substance Abuse and Addiction  

Education and proper information are vital in order to help people, including your loved ones, to prevent substance addiction and all its devastating effects. Families, communities, schools, and the media have crucial roles to play in the prevention of substance abuse among Canadian youths through education. Early intervention programs effectively work as well. 

 Substance abuse is a worldwide problematic issue that needs immediate attention and solution as early as possible. There are various treatments and preventative measures that could stop the abuse of substance and its destructive effects on a person, including the possibility of overdose and death.

Call Inspire Change Addiction Rehab in Vancouver for addiction treatment programs.


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