Signs of Cocaine and the Most Revolting Things that Will Make You Explode 

Know the different signs of cocaine and the destructive effects of this drug on your body. Seek professional assistance to put an end to substance abuse.  

One of the most powerful stimulants that have an addictive nature is cocaine. You can find a wide array of signs of cocaine addiction that will surely make you think twice about laying a hand on this stuff. The drug does give you a feeling of temporary euphoria but when the high disappears, you will certainly look for more and the cycle goes on and on. It helps to know that there are indeed no physical withdrawal symptoms when it comes to cocaine use. Nevertheless, cocaine is highly addictive as you would need a much higher dosage if you have developed a tolerance for the drug. 


The Signs of Cocaine Abuse Up Close 

Cocaine addiction has been causing destruction and ravaging the Canadian population for years. Cocaine addicts develop a psychological addiction to the drug because of the high that it offers and the physical addiction follows suit. The signs of cocaine use and abuse manifest in different ways, whether in appearance, mental state, and the psychological conditioning of the person. Knowing the different symptoms and red flags of cocaine addiction are vital to helping the individual suffering from addiction and dependence. 


Related article: What Are The Long Term Effects Of Cocaine Addiction?

Cocaine Addiction and Physiological Effects  

There are various signs of cocaine use and abuse that you could see right away on the appearance of an individual that is addicted to the drug. Dilated pupils, as well as overly sensitive eyes to light, can be manifestations of substance abuse. Cocaine is typically administered through sniffing or snorting and this could have adverse effects on the physical state of a person such as a runny nose and nosebleeds. The administration of cocaine through snorting could have long-term and permanent damage to the inside parts of the nose. When injected, the signs of cocaine use may include a track or needle marks and it also causes burned fingers and lips when smoking crack. 


Cardiovascular Effects

The heart is one of the major organs that will be affected by long-term use of cocaine. The signs of cocaine addiction that affects the heart include fast heart rate, enlarged heart, and constricted blood vessels that may result in cardiac arrest and heart attacks. 


Cocaine Addiction and Mental/Psychological Effects 

Cocaine addiction and dependence have grave effects on the mental and psychological states of an individual. For instance, excessive intake of the drug could give a person a feeling of euphoria but it is short-lived. The user may also experience overconfidence and unusual excitement that may even result in aggressiveness. Cocaine is also known for its hallucinogenic effects and could cause paranoia, poor judgment, hallucination, and delusion. There are long-term cocaine addicts that are also susceptible to psychosis especially with individuals that have a history of mental illness. 


The signs of cocaine use are right before your eyes if you know what to look for in the first place. It is a guide that could help families and loved ones of the individual that is suffering from cocaine addiction and substance abuse. There are various treatment initiatives in Canada for cocaine and crack addiction. Call Inspire Change Addiction Rehab in Vancouver for addiction treatment programs.


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