These Mind Blowing Facts Will Help You Stop Smoking

No matter how you put it, there’s no doubt that smoking is bad for your health. The addictive property of marijuana also means that you may need extensive treatment to get rid of the habit. Sure, the desire to stop smoking may be enough to break the habit. However, we have found that knowledge is also equally important. 
Are you looking for some motivation to help you stop smoking weed? In this blog, we will discuss some amazing facts about smoking. With facts backed by evidence, we go into the nitty gritty of smoking, the harm that the components can cause and more. 

For starters, smoking can cause a lot of complications in the body. Even worse, these complications may not be limited to the respiratory system. Other body systems can also be affected with long term complications due to the effects of smoking.

Not to worry, we’ll break it all down for you. Over the course of this blog, we’ll discuss some facts about smoking in Canada. Additionally, we will show you how smoking marijuana can affect your body system. Get the motivation you need to get smoking addiction treatment today!

Smoking in Canada: The Facts

Smoking in Canada

Whether you smoke a pipe, hookah, cigarette or weed, smoke is still dangerous. A standard cigarette contains 600 different ingredients. When these ingredients burn, they give off about 7,000 different chemicals.The same goes for marijuana. If that isn’t enough motivation to help you get smoking addiction treatment, many of these chemicals are harmful. 

The effect of these chemicals is reflected in the mortality rate for those who smoke. The figure is three times more than that of people who have never smoked. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), smoking is the most widespread “preventable causative factor that leads to death”. Although most of the damage is not immediate, the complications and accompanying damage can last for many years. Fortunately, with expert addiction treatment, you can quit marijuana.

In Canada, smoking is a huge problem. While the government has made many efforts to reduce the occurrence, it still remains a widespread problem. Studies have shown that at least 20% of deaths in Canada are caused by smoking. Other facts about smoking in Canada include:

  • A high percentage of lung cancer patients are former or current smoking addicts. 
  • Lung cancer causes more deaths in Canada than any other form of cancer 
  • Available statistics show 19,000 lung cancer deaths in 2008.
  • Health care expenses for conditions related to smoking accounts for about 6% -15% of health care costs. 

With the above facts about smoking, it’s easy to see that it’s a habit that is bad for you. Therefore, the importance of addiction treatment for smoking marijuana is one that should not be underestimated. 

Related article: How to Quit Smoking Cold Turkey? You’ll Think These Things Really Happened!

How Smoking Affects Your Health

If you’re having second thoughts about getting marijuana addiction treatment in Toronto, reading about the dangers can help you make a decision. In this section, we break down how smoking affects your body, system by system. 

Central nervous system

Central nervous system
Weed contains a mind-altering substance called cannabinoids. When you smoke, it quickly reaches the brain and can cause you to feel energized. However, it quickly wears off leaving behind an intense craving. This fact about smoking is why quitting weed can prove difficult for most people. 

When you stop smoking, the lack of cannabinoids can affect your central nervous system in so many ways. For starters it can affect cognitive functions leading to feelings of irritation, depression and anxiety. Also, more intense withdrawals come with headaches and insomnia.

Respiratory system 

Respiratory system 

Smoking weed can affect your respiratory system — that’s a known fact. However most people do not know just how bad the damage can be. Firstly, smoking can leave your respiratory organs at an increased risk of infections. However, there’s more. People who smoke are at an increased risk of infections such as:

  • Emphysema: Caused by damage time air sacs present in your lungs.
  • Chronic Bronchitis: This is the inflammation of the lining of breathing tubes present in your lungs. This damage is permanent.
  • Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease 
  • Lung Cancer 

The longer it takes before you stop smoking, the more dangerous it is for you. Some of the common symptoms of withdrawal from weed include congestion, difficulties breathing, respiratory discomfort and more.

The plethora of problems that smoking can cause is present even with second-hand smoke. For instance, children with parents that smoke are at a higher risk of wheezing, coughing and asthma attacks. 

Cardiovascular system

Cardiovascular system

Constant smoking can lead to cardiovascular damage across the board. For starters, if you combine marijuana and nicotine, the latter tightens blood vessels, leading to a restriction in the easy flow of blood. Over time, the increasing narrowing can lead to extensive blood vessel damage and artery infections. 

Another fact about smoking is that it raises blood pressure. This is one of the more missed effects of smoking. With increased blood pressure comes weakened blood vessels and more clots. Together the trio make for a damaging combination that can lead to stroke.

If you have had a heart bypass surgery in the past, smoking is very bad for you. It can worsen your heart disease, leading to a plethora of severe complications. 

The same goes for those around you. One of the lesser known facts about smoking weed is the possibility of second-hand smoke causing extensive damage. Possible risks include heart attacks, stroke and heart diseases.

Integumentary system 

Integumentary system 

The integumentary system encompasses your hair, skin and nails. One of the common effects of smoking is skin changes. In the same vein, your fingernails and toenails are not exempt. Smoking marijuana can increase the risk of fungal infections. It can also increase the chances of hair loss, greying and balding. Can you see why you need marijuana addiction treatment now?

Digestive system

Digestive system

If you smoke, you are at an increased risk of throat, mouth and esophagus cancers. Additionally, smokers suffer pancreatic cancer more, compared to non-smokers. However, there’s more.

One of the lesser known facts about smoking is the connection with type-2 diabetes. If you smoke, the chances are high that you’ll develop an increased resistance to insulin. This unnatural resistance puts you at the risk of suffering type 2 diabetes 

Reproductive system

Another effect of smoking weed can be found in the reproductive system. If you smoke on a daily basis, it will affect blood flow to the genital area. This applies to both women and men. For women, this can manifest in decreased lubrication and ability to orgasm. For men, the effects of smoking marijuana manifest in low sexual desire and poor performance.

To Sum It Up 

With the facts above, it is easy to see that smoking is a habit that should be broken as soon as possible. The dangers and possible complications that can result due to smoking make a case for marijuana addiction treatment.

Do you need professional help to stop smoking marijuana? Call Inspire Change Addiction Rehab in Vancouver for addiction treatment programs. More importantly, we can help you quit weed at your own pace. Call 888 5089 802 or send us a message to speak to an expert today!

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